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Analyzing Data

Bilingual/ESL Program Evaluation

After working with district leaders we recognized the need for Bilingual/ESL Program Evaluation.  Leaders want to improve the education of Emergent Bilinguals and continually provide resources and support, but in some instances they are not getting a large return on that investment.   Conducting an evaluation can help you pinpoint areas of implementation challenges. 


Classroom observations provide anecdotal data of instructional emergent bilingual learning strategies.

Teacher and Parent Survey

Customized surveys are created and provided to teachers and parents to gather quantifiable data.  

Final Report

In the final report you will be provided with a summary of both the qualitative and quantitative data collected including charts and graphs, and summaries of disaggregated  data.

District and Campus Admin Interviews

Interviews with staff provide insight into current implementation and role perspectives. 

Realistic Recommendations

Recommendations provided are realistic.  Funding, timeframes and current district goals are considerations as recommendations are outlined.   

Board Presentation

With input from key staff members a presentation summarizing the final report is developed to be shared with your school board.  

9235 Blankenship Drive

Houston, Texas 77080


T: 713-303 - 6852


Dr. Virginia Elizondo

© 2021 Improving Student Outcomes

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